+91 91014 65283
pduamtulungia@gmail.com / principal@pduamtulungia.co.in
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Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya Adarsha Mahavidyalaya, Tulungia
পণ্ডিত দীনদয়াল উপাধ্যায় আদৰ্শ মহাবিদ্যালয়, তুলুঙীয়া
Accredited by NAAC with B++ Grade (CGPA 2.77)
(A Govt. Model College of ARTS, SCIENCE & COMMERCE)
Recognised by UGC and Affiliated to Gauhati University
ISO 9001: 2015 Certified Institute
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পণ্ডিত দীনদয়াল উপাধ্যায় আদৰ্শ মহাবিদ্যালয়, তুলুঙীয়া
Accredited by NAAC with B++ Grade (CGPA 2.77)
(A Govt. Model College of ARTS, SCIENCE & COMMERCE)
Recognised by UGC and Affiliated to Gauhati University
ISO 9001: 2015 Certified Institute


The Department of Assamese is functioning since the opening of the College i.e 2017.As, Assamese is our Mother Tongue & hence,all the faculties of the Department always emphasizes on the Learning & Usage of it in the Academic Sphere.This Department imparts functional Assamese at Undergraduate Level from 2017 to 2019(non CBCS Course).But,since 2019,The Subject Functional Assamese has replaced by Business Communication for B.Com 1st Semester(CBCS Course) & since 2020 The Subject MIL(Prachin Asomiya Sahitya)has newly introduced for B.Com 3rd Semester(CBCS Course).In 2023 The Subject Business Communication has replaced by Jogajogmulok Asomiya (Ability Enhancement Course) for B.Com 1st Semester (Under FYUGP,NEP 2020)& newly introduced for B.Sc 1st Semester also(Under FYUGP,NEP-2020).On the Otherhand The Department impart MIL(Assamese)for HS Level accordingly.Since,2021 The Science Stream has newly introduced for HS Level.In 2023 Arts Stream has also newly introduced Under FYUGP(NEP-2020).In This Context, The Subject Assamese(Both Major & Minor) has also newly introduced for BA Course.

The vision of the department is to provide quality oriented teaching that may bring out the potentiality of students and to develop comprehensive understanding about the subject.

1. To work together for students progression and development.
2. To develop the Assamese language and literature. To a higher stage by inspiring and giving lesson and guidance for creative writing through this languages.
3. To transform lives and serve society by promoting the participation of rural students in higher education.
4. To develop scientific, intellectual and socio- economic skills among the students.
5. To enhance and physical and mental fitness and develop socio- cultural qualities of students.

Course Structure:
Stream: * Commerce : Generic
HS & Under Graduate Level
*Science: Generic
HS & Under Graduate Level
*Arts: Major & Minor
Under Gradute Level
Faculty Members:
*Dr Banalata Das,HoD & Assistant Professor (MA, M.Phil,B.Ed, Ph.D)
*Barna Sarma, Assistant Professor
(MA, M.Phil, B.Ed)

View Profile
View Profile

ID Title Description Publish View File
91Departmental Inspection by Dr. Kanak Ch. Saharia, HoD, Department of Assamese, Gauhati Universityগুৱাহাটী বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ৰ অসমীয়া বিভাগৰ মুৰব্বী অধ্যাপক ড° কনক চন্দ্ৰ চহৰীয়া ছাৰে আজি 19/12/2024 তাৰিখে আমাৰ অসমীয়া বিভাগ পৰিদৰ্শন কৰে৷2024-12-19View File
90শ্ৰেণী কোঠাৰ দৃশ্যাংশQuiz Competition in H. S class(Science/Commerce) on 'History of Assamese Literature' on 11/12/24 by Dr. B. Das2024-12-11View File
89Report of Celebration of Bhasha Gaurav Saptah,2024Celebration of Bhasha Gaurav Saptah, 2024 ordered by DHE (From 4th Nov. to 9th November, 2024)2024-11-10View File
88Celebration of “Bhasha Gaurav Saptah”Celebration of “BHASHA GAURAV SAPTAH” ordered by DHE, Assam organized by Deptt. of Assamese, PDUAM, Tulungia.2024-11-09View File
76Birth Anniversary celebration of Dr. Bhupen Hazarika by Deptt. of Assamese & Sahitya Chora in collaboration with IQAC, PDUAM, TungiaCelebration of Birth Anniversary of Xudhakantha Dr. Bhupen Hazarika on 08/09/2024.2024-09-08View File
69Celebration of Rabha Divas, 2024অসমীয়া বিভাগ, আভ্যন্তৰীণ মান নিৰূপক কোষৰ উদ্যোগত আৰু কাকৈজানা শতদল শাখা সাহিত্য সভাৰ সহযোগত 'ৰাভা দিৱস' উদযাপনৰ দৃশ্যাংশ৷2024-06-20View File
77Celebration of International Mother Language DayCelebration of International Mother Language Day organised by Deptt. of Assamese, Sahitya Chora in collaboration with IQAC & Literary Society on 21st February, 2024.2024-02-21View File
68Invited as a speaker on the program of 'Kobitar Gunjon'.‘কবিতাৰ গুণ্জন' অনুষ্ঠানটিৰ দৃশ্যাংশ2023-12-24View File
17Rabha Divas celebration,2023যোৱা ইং ২০ আৰু ২১ জুন, ২০২৩ তাৰিখে দুদিনীয়া কাৰ্য্যসূচীৰে মহাবিদ্যালয়ৰ অসমীয়া বিভাগ, সাংস্কৃতিক বিভাগ আৰু লিটাৰেৰী চ’ছাইটিৰ উদ্যোগত মহাবিদ্যালয় প্ৰাংগনত ৰাভা দিৱস উদযাপন কৰা হয়৷2023-06-20View File
20Rabha Divash celebration,2023ৰাভা দিৱসৰ মূহুৰ্ত2023-06-20View File
21Rabha Divash celebration,2023সংগীতালেখ্যৰ মূহুৰ্ত2023-06-20View File
22Rabha Divash celebration,2023সংগীতালেখ্যৰ মূহুৰ্ত2023-06-20View File
26Rabha Divash celebration,2023কিছু মূহুৰ্ত2023-06-20View File
27Rabha Divash celebration,2023শিক্ষক আৰু ছাত্ৰ-ছাত্ৰীৰ সমন্বয়2023-06-20View File
67Activity of classroomশ্ৰেণীকোঠাৰ দৃশ্যাংশ2023-05-03View File
44Three Days Workshop on Professional Ethics & Moral Valuesতিনিদিনীয়াকৈ আয়োজিত কৰ্মশালা তাং: ১৮/৪/২০২৩ — ২০/০৪/২০২৩ বিষয়:Three Days workshop on Prfessional Ethics & Moral Values2023-04-19View File
45Workshop ৰ কিছু মূহুৰ্তworkshop ৰ কিয়দাংশ2023-04-19View File
28International Mother Language Day,2023আন্তৰ্জাতিক মাতৃভাষা দিৱস উপলক্ষে আয়োজিত অসমীয়া কবিতা আবৃত্তি প্ৰতিযোগিতা2023-02-21View File
29International Mother Language Day,2023কবিতা আবৃত্তিৰ কিয়দাংশ2023-02-21View File
30International Mother Language Day,2023কবিতা আবৃত্তিৰ কিয়দাংশ2023-02-21View File
31International Mother Language Day,2023কবিতা আবৃত্তিৰ কিয়দাংশ2023-02-21View File
32International Mother Language Day,2023কবিতা আবৃত্তিৰ কিয়দাংশ2023-02-21View File
33International Mother Language Day,2023কবিতা আবৃত্তিৰ কিয়দাংশ2023-02-21View File

ID Title Date View

ID Semester year View
421st Semester2023View File
431st Semester2023View File
441st Semester2023View File
941st Semester2024View File
931st Semester2024View File
961st Semester2024View File
902nd Semester2024View File
953rd Semester2024View File

ID Title Date View
63Syllabus of B.A. 3rd Semester:Assamese(Major/Minor)2024-08-08View File
59B.A 1st & 2nd Semester Sub:Assamese (Major & Minor)2024-02-15View File
58B.A 2nd Semester Sub:SEC(Assamese)2024-02-15View File
52SEC Syllabus অসমীয়া আখৰ জোঁটনি BA 1st Semester NEP2023-12-30View File
51MDC Syllabus Humanities & Social Sciences 1st Semester NEP2023-12-30View File
50B.A/B.Com/B.sc 1st Semester Sub-Ability Enhancement Course(Assmese) NEP2023-12-30View File
49B.Com 3rd Semester Syllabus Sub-MIL(Assamese) CBCS2023-12-30View File
48B.Com 1st Semester Sub-Business Communication(Assamese) CBCS2023-12-30View File
47B.com 3rd Semester Syllabus(Non CBCS) Sub-Functional MIL(Assamese)2023-12-30View File
46B.Com 2nd Semester Syllabus Sub-Functional MIL(Assamese)2023-12-30View File

ID Title Semester View
124B.A 1st Semester, Unit-21st SemesterView File
123Study materials for BA 1st Sem. Paper:Asomiya Bhasha aru Sahityar Itihash1st SemesterView File
27HS 2nd year Sub: MIL(Assamese)View File
26HS 2nd year Sub: MIL(Assamese)View File
25বব্ৰুবাহনৰ যুদ্ধ PART 01 B.Com 3rd Semester(Regular) Sub: MIL(Assamese)3rd SemesterView File
24বব্ৰুবাহনৰ যুদ্ধ PART 02 B.Com 3rd semester(Regular) Sub: MIL(Assamese)View File

ID Sl. No. Course Type Session Course Name Students Enrolled Course Completion View
381Certificate2023-24“Asomiya Geeti Sahityat Jyouti-Bishnur Parikrama”11 nos.21st March to 25th April, 2024View File
252Certificate2022-23DR Bhupen Hazarikar Jeevan Aru Kriti:Ek Avalokan09 nos20th April -10th May,2023View File

Sl. No. MoU Parties Time Period View File

Sl. No. Name of The Magazine Year Volume View File
1SRIJON20241st EditionView File